I’m Just Sayin’

…that’s all…

Why not tri? September 22, 2008

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So, it’s Monday.  I’m in full swing for my triathlon training (less than 4 weeks away!) and unfortunately the training program I’m following calls for pretty vigorous workouts on Mondays.  I had a great workout earlier today, but now I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.  I hear a nap calling my name…

Just wanted to throw this out there while I’m in Triathlon Mode.  There are a few of us who are addicted to this triathlon training.  (No, I’m not weird…you’d have to try it to understand.)  So, anyway, in June of next year, we’re looking at a sprint triathlon in Jacksonville.  For any of you who are even slightly interested, you would have plenty of time to train.  We’d love to get as big a group as possible…it will be so much fun!  Let me know if you might be interested, we can all train together.  Come on, everybody’s doing it!