I’m Just Sayin’

…that’s all…

Random Things About Me October 15, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — leathersfsu @ 7:13 pm

(that you may or may not want to know!)

  • I LOVE black beans and rice.  Seriously.  I could eat it for every meal.  I top it with sour cream and salsa.  YUM!
  • I read every issue of Reader’s Digest cover to cover.  I especially enjoy “Word Power”.
  • I love my retro cell phone.  I just recently learned to text.  And I’m not THAT old.
  • I actually enjoy the episodes of Hannah Montana and Suite Life that I watch with my kids.
  • I would go to bed every night at 9:30 and sleep a good 11 or 12 hours if I had the option.
  • I can’t go to bed with dirty dishes in my sink.
  • Elmo on Sesame Street still makes me smile.
  • I hate driving a mini-van…I only have 1 year, 10 months and 2 weeks to go.  Hopefully the Sienna will hold out that long.
  • Gossip magazines are one of my guilty pleasures.
  • I could eat guacamole by the spoonful.
  • My main motivation for exercising is food.
  • I fall asleep in 95% of the movies we rent.  Even the ones I choose.
  • Even though we live only 30 minutes from the beach, my first choice of vacations is always the beach.

7 Responses to “Random Things About Me”

  1. Gina Says:

    I am all about the sleep too! I love to stay up late and get up late – that never happens!

    I am the same about dirty dishes or anything that may need to cleaned or organized – must be done before bed!

    The funny thing is that we live so close to Daytona Bch and I cannot remember the last time I was beachside (I have to go to Daytona to work with my schools but never over the bridge)

  2. Monica H. Says:

    I love this post! …and I love reading gossip magazines! 🙂

  3. Alison Says:

    I love Hanner Montaner (my nickname for it) 🙂 and all the other Disney shows!

    I also fall asleep during most of the movies we rent…I must be sitting up and drinking some sort of caffeine or I’m out in 5 minutes! 🙂

  4. Vanessa Says:

    With 3 kids, what else would you drive other than a minivan?? They’re so practical! I can’t wait until I get one! 😀

    And we still don’t text here. I don’t know why we’re holding out really — and I’m a teensy bit younger than you! 😉

    The beach. We live about 5 minutes from it. The big girl has been once when she was 2, and the little one hasn’t been yet. We’re so mean — but we’re clean! 😀

  5. Kayleigh Says:

    I definitely could go to bed early every stinkin’ night, love reading gossip magazines, I literally probably fall asleep in 98% of the movies I rent or watch anytime after like 9 o’clock, LOVE THE BEACH, and my main motivation to work out is most definitely food!
    Does this mean we are like twins or something?!?!?!?!
    CUTE POST! 🙂

  6. angiebledsoe Says:

    ….and my main motivation for NOT working out is that it might cut into my eating time! 🙂 JK….love this post – I think you’ve started a trend.
    Another random thing about you: you love to misread “people’s” t-shirts…..anyway, I guess that’s an “inside joke”….but I had you nervous, didn’t I? 🙂

  7. Stacy Back Says:

    I love this post! I also fall asleep in most movies, despite it being a movie I’ve been dying to see! I think Blaine would get annoyed while we were dating! OH well… 🙂

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